These are my favourite kind of posts, full of interesting links and reads. And thank you so much for including the link to our newsletter!

I don't know if Clarkson’s Farm is available in Italy, but I will check it immediately as I feel I would really enjoy the show!

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I hope it is! What is dressed up as a comedy actually contains some really important messages, but I won't say it is also not laugh out loud funny!

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Very interesting topics! I added Clarkson's Farm to my watchlist and will be reading the foie gras article. I've never tried it but it's always been on my "bad" list while I continue to devour all manner of factory farmed meat and eggs :( Thank you for this very important viewpoint.

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Honestly, I think foie gras is like any other meat; once you know what you like and dislike, and you understand the issues surrounding it you can make better choices. I'm particularly interested in some of the products I've tried coming out of Europe like Foie Royal (which I've tried and can confirm is both delicious and I could not tell from the taste that it was not traditionally produced foie gras) which is produced from free range, high welfare birds who are fed naturally.

I found it really irritating first when I lived in Los Angeles and now here in the UK when politicians talk about banning it because it is just virtue signalling without understanding to lobbyists and trying to get cheap public opinion boosts unless they're willing to tackle animal welfare issues across the food chain, which obviously they won't do as people will be unwilling to pay a lot more for a product they perceive should be cheap without much more education and a cultural shift.

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Terrific edition of ‘Nibbles’ Rachel, I particularly love the piece about the last mustard maker! Thanks for including the post on Genevieve, I really took to heart her excellent advice.

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Really glad you enjoyed it Jolene! And I want to make a pilgrimage there on my next trip to France...

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